free tricks for videocon dth make it free
free tricks for videocon dth make it free
without paying single rupesss
Hi guys, After buying multi TV DTH connection , still paying for both TV .To stop these double payment systems, here its described a way to get rid of such payments . Now no more payments for second TV.As here its going to make a technique for you favour as well as for you benefit. Steps for gaining connections ; Buy a DTH 2 WAY splitter from shop with 2 screw caps and half meter of DTH cable. Follow the steps made in picture : You guys, need to connect the first [A] socket of satellite with splitter socket A Now you can see splitter is having two sockets [B] and[C] You need to make a wire conecting for socket [A] Connect the both wires of your set top box with that splitter , and its done YOU NEED TO PAY FOR ONLY FOR ONE TV.. MORE THE NUMBER OF TV MORE THE NO. OF SPLITTER.. ENJOY BUDDIES :)