Cooling system by the

cooling system
classification of cooling system:
1) Air cooling
2)Water cooling
1) Air cooling: In the air cooling system air
will flow over heated cylinder walls. The
heat dissipated depends upon the factors
are surface area of metal into contact with
air, mass flow rate of air, the temperature
diffrence between the heated suface and
air, conductivity of metal body.
In the air  cooling the fins are used for
effective cooling. the fins are made up of
copper steel alloy used sometimes and
alluminium alloy is common material.
2) Water cooling: In the water cooling the
water is medium. In water cooling the
engine cylinders are surrounded by water
jackets through which the cooling water
flows. Heat flow from cylinder walls into
water which goes to radiator. somtimes in
water the antifreeze is added to water.
water cooling systems of two types they
are thermosyphon system, pump

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